Welcome to Tanach Tiyulim

Ezra Rosenfeld
Tanach Tiyulim are geared towards individuals who want to experience Eretz Yisrael (the land of the Bible) in depth, not just to say “I was there”.
Our tiyulim enable you to enhance your Tanach learning, deepen your understanding of the prophets and crystallize your knowledge of Jewish History. We will explore diverse sites throughout Israel and learn the relevant texts – on site.
We usually have a lot of fun doing so.
The Tanach Tiyulim are geared for adults and also ideal for active, young at heart grandparents. Most of them do not require much strenuous climbing or walking (to which a recent 88 year old participant can gladly attest!)
When planning tiyulim for families we integrate educational experiences with "fun" sites such as streams, waterfalls, chocolate factories and fruit picking in order to create a balanced tiyul which offers something for everyone.
We specialize in tailoring the tiyul to the client and work closely with you to understand what you would like to accomplish on your tiyul. We also operate group tiyulim throughout the year. Click here for the current schedule.
Please explore our site to give yourself an idea of what Tanach Tiyulim can offer you. Feel free to suggest other locations in Israel for your trip, we will gladly accommodate your requests.
Feel free to contact us before your next vacation in Israel