Here is a list of some of our more popular tiyulim.
To read a description of the tiyul click on any of our tiyulim below or select one from the map.

Golan Heights
The tiyul to the Golan includes many of these sites:
The Southern Golan - overlook the Syrian border bridges and the Kinneret. Understand the topography and geography of the different regions of the Golan.
Banias Nature Reserve, waterfall and archeological site.
The Tel Dan nature reserve and the first Temple city which includes the "bama" – high place where sacrifices were offered.
In and around Katzrin: Katzrin Museum, Golan Winery, Talmudic Village.
The ancient city of Gamla to understand the heroic battle against the Romans during the great revolt.
The amazing fourth century shul in "Um El Kanatir" which is being reconstructed with state of the art technology.
The Memorial for the soldiers killed in the helicopter crash.
Oz 77, Tel Facher and Tel Saki – sites of heroic battles in Israel's wars.
Birkat Ram at the foot of the Chermon (was it a volcano?)
Extinct volcanos such as Har Bental which serves as an observation point which enables a view deep into Syria.
Two Day Tiyul to the Lower Gallilee
This two day tiyul is devoted to two main topics:
- The stories of the Judges in the Galilee (Devorah and Barak, Gidon), the final battle of King Shaul with the Pelishtim and stories of Achav and Eliyahu.
- Understanding the period of the Mishna and Talmud in the Gallilee. We will trace the movements of the Nasi and the Sanhedrin as they left Yavne, came to Bet Shearim and Tzippori and eventually made their home in Teverya.
Among the places which we visit are the third century international cemetery at Bet She'arim (where we will see the very special burial place of Rabi Yehuda Hanassi), the numerous colorful mosaic floors in the cosmopolitan city of Tzippori (see the "Jewish Mona Lisa"), the unique shul at Chamat Teverya, the recently discovered Roman theater in Teverya,), Megiddo, the ancient tel and spring at Yizra'el, Maayan Charod and more.
Bet She'arim
We will visit Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi's hometown, where he was born, buried and spent most of his life. The visit includes the second century building which may have been the home of the Sanhedrin.
We will continue to the ancient international cemetery at Bet She'arim where we will be amazed at the intricate artwork and revealing inscriptions on many of the sarcophagi. Our visit will conclude with a very moving visit to the gravesite of Rabi Yehuda Hanasi, his wife and most famous students where we will be able to confirm the fulfillment of his last will and testament.
The Heights of Mt. Gilboa and the Slopes of Har Efraim
From the Jordan & Jezreel Valleys to high up in the Gilboa Mountain range, we will see, study and better understand key events in Tanach such as the brother's sale of Yosef; where Devorah & Gidon fought their famous battles, where Shaul Ha'melech died in battle and where Achav & Yehu ruled over Israel.
We will visit Tzipori, the cosmopolitan city of the Galil which served as Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi's center of activity and influence in his later years. Walking through the streets of Tzipori will enable us to understand the challenges which he faced in integrating Torah into modern society in the third century.
Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi's personality and life mission will come alive as we examine the Talmudic sources which describe his innovations and impact upon both the Jewish and Roman communities which lived here.
Our visit will include the ancient shul of Tzipori, the home which many experts consider Rabbi Yehuda's official residence, the "Jewish Mona Lisa" and numerous other sites which made Tzipori the center of life in the Byzantine (Talmudic) era.
Shechem - Har Eival – and Har Gerizim
This tiyul takes us to one of the most exciting finds of our times - the mizbe'ach (altar) built by Yehoshua on Har Eival. We will continue with an overview of the area and hills surrounding Shechem to better understand the conquest of the Land and the southern part of the kingdom of Yisrael, after the division of the monarchy. We will visit Har Gerizim and meet with the leader of the Shomronim (Samaritans) to understand this unusual group and attempt to answer the question - מיהו ישראלי?
Chag Ha'Assif (Sukkot) in Shilo
We will celebrate the Sukkot harvest at the site of the ancient mikdash in Shilo.
Scenes of bringing bikkurim, the field dances of the grape harvest and of eating sacrificial meat in the courtyard of the mishkan and upon its surrounding hills will come to life as we interact with text and place. We will examine the choice of Shilo as the first centralized location for mikdash worship, famous scenes of Shilo during the time of the Shoftim (Judges), and appreciate the stories of Shmuel haNavi who was raised and lived in Shilo until its destruction. With Tanach in hand, we will explore the geography and topography of the nachalot of Binyamin and Ephraim, tour the new and old yishuv of Shilo, and simultaneously discover greater meaning and significance in the stories of the Nevi'im.
In the Footsteps of Elisha - No longer available
The Jordan Valley and its Impact on Biblical History
This tiyul contrasts the Jordan Valley with the central mountain range of Israel thus enabling us to understand many stories in Tanach, including Avraham vs. Lot, Arvot Moav, the story of the spies and Rachav, the first stage of conquest in Sefer Yehoshua, the trek to Shechem, the role of the Mishkan in Gilgal.
We will dip our feet into the Jordan River and also stop at the foot hill of the Sartaba, where the Rosh Chodesh bonfires were lit. We will also stop at the tip of the Dead Sea to discuss its significance in Jewish history and Israel's present water shortage.
From the Entrance into Eretz Yisrael until the United Kingdom
We will study the topography and geography of Eretz Yisrael and thus better understand numerous events and stories in the books of Yehoshua, Shoftim and Shmuel.
We will start at the promenade in Armon HaNatziv, then on to Mitzpeh Yericho and the Jordan River crossing. We will conclude at Tel-a-ful (Biblical 'Givah'), where, from the porch of King Hussein's unfinished palace, we will study chapters from Shoftim, Shmuel and Yirmiyahu.
In the Footsteps of Yirmiyahu HaNavi - No longer available
Who were the Pelishtim?
We will recapture the lost world of the Philistines, the most persistent enemy of the Jews in the time of the Judges and early kings. Through visits to the major Philistine cities of Ashdod and Gat we will learn how these expert warriors had an exciting and varied culture. Along the way we encounter other groups who came through Israel, including the Canaanites, Assyrians, Romans and Crusaders. We will end the day at Tel Azeka where we will recreate the battle between David and Goliath.
The "Shfeyla" and the "Har"
How Israel's Geography and Topography Affect Biblical History
We will study the topography and geography of Eretz Yisrael and thus better understand numerous events and stories in the books of Yehoshua, Shoftim and Shmuel.
This tiyul begins at "Tel a Ful" (the site of the Biblical town of Giv'ah), continues to Neve Shmuel (Nebi Samuel) and Tel Beit Shemesh, takes us up to Tel Azaika to overlook the battle site of David and Goliath.
We will discuss the entrance into Eretz Yisrael, Yehoshua's battle strategy, the stories of "Shemesh B'Givon Dom", Shimshon and Shevet Dan, the travels and travails of the Aron, David and Shaul among others.
In the Footsteps of the Avot
A series of 3 half-day tiyulim
We will follow the paths of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov as they entered and journeyed through Eretz Yisrael. We will begin with Avraham's entrance into the Land in the northern area of Shechem and follow his trail of mizbachot through Beit-El as we simultaneously learn the stories of Yaakov there as well. We will explore the home of the avot in Chevron and understand Avraham's purchase of me'arat hamachpela in a new light. Finally, we will continue with Avraham's wars and challenges as he finally makes his way to Yerushalayim - for a glimpse of what lay ahead for his children to come.
Har Herzl - Who Are The Real Gedolei HaUmma? (Har Herzl - walking tiyul)
Thousands of people are buried at Har Herzl, including the famous. But this is not your typical "tourist" tour. Yes, we will visit the famous. But we go to Har Herzl for another reason. Our purpose on this tiyul is to stand beside those who died so that we could become the Jewish State - to hear some of their stories of heroism, and to feel the awe of meeting those who helped to create our modern nation and then defend it.
If you want to feel what it means to return to Israel after nearly two thousand years of exile, this is where you start.
Yerushalayim on the Eve of Destruction
We will focus primarily on the city of Yerushalayim of Bayit Rishon (the first Temple), specifically on the generations which immediately preceded the destruction. With Tanach in hand we will begin from the king's cemetery outside the city, understand the city's growth, follow the dialogue between the prophet Yishayahu and King Hizkiyahu concerning preparations against the Assyrian invasion, appreciate the religious renaissance in the time of King Yoshiyahu and understand the prophetic criticisms of Yirmiyahu at Gai Ben Hinnom which led to the destruction of the Mikdash in 586 BCE.
Herodion - King Herod's "Piece de Resistance"
15 minutes from Jerusalem stands the amazing mountain palace and fortress of Herodion, undoubtedly one of the most impressive sites in the country which weekly provides new archeological finds. Join us as we examine its history and learn its story: in the time of Herod, during the Great Rebellion and during the Bar Kochva Rebellion. See the shul, the recently found mikvaot, the crawl tunnels, the water cisterns, the bathhouse and much more.
Get a glimpse of the wealth and power of Herod and see the most recent finds of the late archeologist Ehud Netzer ז"ל including Herod's mausoleum, the Roman theater and the earliest known "V.I.P. lounge".
Note: This tiyul involves a bit of climbing.
In the Footsteps of Olei Regalim - No longer available
Sennacherib's Campaign to Yehuda
What Exactly Did Happen?
This tiyul will visit the main locations and explore the sources which describe the Assyrian attempt to capture Yerushalayim in 701 BCE. To understand the background of the events we will overlook the northern region of Judah and from there continue to "Shfelat Yehuda" (the plateaus of the tribe of Judah) , passing the western Judean border to Tel Lachish where we will contemplate the events that took place at this spot. Learning the relevant chapters of Tanach will be enhanced by experiencing the archeological finds and reading about the events in external sources as well.
In the Footsteps and Spirit of Amos - No longer available
From Yehuda HaChashmonai until Herod
We will examine the battles (the successes and failures) of the Maccabim, try to appreciate the nature of the sovereign state which they established and understand why their dynasty petered out. Our tiyul will take us to the area of the ancient battlefields of Beit Zecharya and Beit Zur, walk on the Derech haAvot and conclude with a visit to Herodion, built by Herod, who played a major role in terminating the Chashmonai monarchy.
At Herodion, we will visit the palace, the theater, the water system and conclude with a visit to Herod's grave.
Qumran and Ein Gedi
Our tiyul will begin with a visit to Qumran near the Dead Sea where we will meet the Essenes, the Second Temple sect which rejected mainstream society and established their own brand of Judaism. We will explore their ancient town, examine their beliefs and lifestyle and discuss the Dead Sea Scrolls, round Tefillin and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
We will continue to Ein Gedi where we will hike to the waterfall of Nachal David and then proceed to the ancient synagogue whose mosaic floor has baffled historians and archeologists for decades.
Susya & Arad
We return to the reconstructed Talmudic town of Susya and Biblical city of Arad. We will begin by appreciating various Talmudic teachings as we travel through the town of Susya - through its wells and walls, gates and caves. We will continue south to Arad - a large fortified Canaanite and later an Israelite city through the time period of Judean kings. Words of Torah and Nevi'im will come to life as we walk in the footsteps of our ancestors to better understand our present challenges of survival in the Judean hills and deserts.
We will visit the "Mikdash" in Arad, built for those who could not get to Jerusalem. There we will attempt to understand the spiritual challenges which Jews at the periphery faced late in the First Temple period.
We will follow in the footsteps of Israel's most famous archeologist, Yigael Yadin as we explore the wonders of this Hasmonean and Herodian fortress and palaces. We will examine the narrative written by Josephus Flavius, familiarize ourselves with the Sicariim who held out on top of the mountain and understand the place of mass suicide in Halacha and Jewish history.
We will marvel at the archeological finds: the gigantic water cisterns, mikvaot, synagogue, frescoed walls, mosaic floors, beautiful bathhouse and all of the other features which make Metzada one of the most visited sites in the country.
Khirbet Qeiyafa
Probably the most exciting and important current archeological site in Israel, this tiyul will examine the raging controversy concerning the relationship between archeology and the Biblical narrative.
We will recount the development of the minimalist philosophy and examine its validity in light of recent archeological digs, especially the site which we will visit. We will examine the various Biblical names which were suggested for the town of Qeiyafa and also discuss and analyze the text of the oldest Hebrew document which was found at Qeiyafa.
As we walk through the ancient city, we will focus on the special nature of the city which helps identify it as a border fortress built in the time of David HaMelech.
Tel (Be'er) Sheva
An administrative center of the later kings of Yehuda, built at the southern border of the country. This site is best known for the dismantled altar which was found there and for the very deep well which can be seen next to the city gate.